Add Insurance Benefit Plans

The Insurance tab contains fields related to the patient’s insurance plans(s). This includes the benefit plan information such as the insurance provider, employer, coverage details, patient payment details, and policy information, such as subscriber details and family balance.

A benefit plan provides coverage for a variety of medical and dental procedures. Insurance companies provide coverage to patients through benefit plans that are private (purchased by the individual), provided by an employer or provided through government programs.

Note: Many people obtain coverage through another person’s insurance coverage (spouses, children, etc.)

Depending on the type of plan, the coverage may be for full or partial, and the patient may be responsible to pay deductibles, and/or any amounts not covered by their insurance. Some plans contain multiple people with the same coverage. The benefit plan has the same insurance company, group number (the benefit plan ID) and coverage, but each person on the plan has a different subscriber number.

In the cases of employer-provided plans, many companies provide insurance benefit plans that covers some or all of their employees’ dental procedures and expenses. Some companies have multiple benefit plans that provide varying levels of coverage linked to them. This is more common for companies in multiple states/provinces because insurance providers often vary by region.

When an employee with a company benefit plan becomes a patient, and has their employer added to their record, you can add the employer’s insurance to the patient.


  • Before you link an employer’s insurance to a patient, confirm the plan exists in the employer record.

  • Depending on your institution's workflow, employer-provided insurance may be linked from the Employer tab. However, if an employee benefit plan has been linked to a patient, its details are available from the Insurance tab.

To add an insurance plan:

  1. With the Patient Info window open, click the Employer or Insurance tab.
  2. Click the Link to Insurance Benefit Plan () icon to display the Select Benefit Plan window and search for the appropriate benefit plan.
    • If listed in the results, double-click the entry and close the Select Benefit Plan window.
      1. When prompted, click Yes to confirm you want to add a policy to the plan and display the Policy Information window.
      2. From the Policy Information window, complete the following fields and click the OK button.

    • If the benefit plan isn’t in the Select Benefit Plan window, close the window.
    • Note: Given the complex nature of insurance benefit plans, we strongly recommend that your institution disable all fields in the Patient Info window > Insurance tab except for the Link to Insurance Benefit Plan () icon. This limits insurance benefit plan creation to users with insurance permissions; and they should add plans via the Maintenance module rather than from the Insurance tab. This prevents benefit plan duplicates. However, if you are permitted to enter benefit plans from this area, complete the following instructions.

      1. From the Insurance tab, complete the fields as necessary and click the Add a new Record () icon.
      2. Warning: Information added under the Benefit Plan Information section affects all policy subscribers on the plan; information added under the Policy Information section affects only the individual subscriber.